In 2024, I worked for a shoegaze band, I produced, engineered, and mixed their EP. I remember coming back from one of the sessions and having a breakdown. I had been making music - full songs - for almost 4 years at that point, and I hadn't made anything that felt nearly as finished as this small band that had been together for like. 3 months had made. I cried. I felt like an asshole. The next day, I decided to try to embrace some of the techniques they had used. It came out nothing like thier music, but I was happy with it. I sampled an old track of mine where I attempted to emulate Mingus' style (the track sounded like shit). I chopped the guitar up with Injury Reserve's "Superman That" in mind, added tonnes of effects, and started on the drums. I just couldn't get them right.
Fast forward a few days, after the next recording session with this band, I started thinking about this Björk clip I had seen where she was talking about the process of making Vespertine, the percussion was almost entirely folley. I went around my house, recording different sounds, and spent hours arranging them to sound good, I finally got to a point with this track that I liked.
Production, mixing, mastering: A.V.A. Music
Information is dead.
And we have killed her.
We've sculpted her demise.
Line by line,
Slowly twisting the knife further and further into her body,
Still not moving.
Her once steady pulse slowing to a flicker.
Information is dead.
And we have killed her.
Information is dead.
And we have killed her.
Information is dead.
And we have ki-
This is the oldest track on the EP, I think I made it back in 2023? It started off, as many of my ideas do, in the shower. I was thinking about AI and many issues it was bringing to society, even creating photos that look almost real. The line "Information is dead / And we have killed her" came to mind. I wrote a poem, and decided to make it into a spoken word track. I wrote the guitar part, very simple to emphasize the words. I recorded my vocals and HATED how my voice sounded, so I decided to add a robotic voice. I played in Ableton until I got to the final state.
Lyrics: A.V.A. Music
Vocals: A.V.A. Music & TTSMAKER
Production, mixing, mastering: A.V.A. Music
This track, just like Dreaming, originated from the shoegaze band sessions. There was feedbacking at the end of a guitar take, and I LOVEEEED how it sounded. We recorded it, the band didn't want to use it, and the guitarist told me "Feel free to use that for whatever". I chopped the feedbacking up, and it turned into the main component in Noisat. I added supporting 808s to give it a fuller sound, and, as I had just finished working for hours on the Dreaming drums, I decided to reuse the drum sounds. I was inspired by the Daughters song "Guest House", wanting to end with a singular instrument unlike whats used in the rest of the song. I wanted the track to get more and more chaotic as it went on, just like Guest House, and I think I achieved it. I was also inspired by some works by Arca. The guitar arpeggio I played was me attempting to recreate the sound on Slint's album "Spiderland". I struggled so much to give this track a name, for the longest time it was only called "Noise Atmosphere" which I ended up shortening to "Noisat".
Guitar feedback: Sam Matthews
Guitar: A.V.A. Music
Production, mixing, mastering: A.V.A. Music
In 2022, someone I knew ended her life. We were never close, but I had fond memories around her, she was an amazing person and I'll never stop regretting not speaking to her more. When I found out about her passing, it was 3am and I saw a text from one of her close friends talking about how she had been found dead recently. I cried and cried, I didn't stop for weeks. I could barely sleep, I could only think about her. Over time, I thought about her less and less, but every time I do think about her, I can't help but cry, shit, I'm crying writing this. At the time, I struggled a lot with suicidal thoughts, attempted multiple times, but since this happened, I haven't attempted. I wrote a poem about her a while ago:
Not a week passes I don't think of you
And every time I do I cry.
We were so distant
So why do I?
We never were close,
We called a couple times
But then I heard you crossed the line
One late night I turned my phone on
Saw the message, I knew you were gone.
I tried to turn this into a song, I wanted to make it reminiscent of Quadeca's Scrapyard sound, and started by making the melody, then the synths. I couldn't get the lyrics to work in a song, but I liked the synths I designed. It used the same chords at it would've with vocals, it just became this track.
Production, mixing, mastering: A.V.A. Music
This track started off with an idea: What if I made a track that starts out as classic jazz but then turns to metal? Although the jazz part never worked, I started on piano before copying the chords I used and playing them on guitar, but as I was working on it, I decided to go for black metal instead of what I originally intended, classic metal. Overall, I'm really happy with this track, I think it's my own most listened on the EP.
Guitar: A.V.A. Music
Piano: A.V.A. Music
Vocals: A.V.A. Music
Lyrics: A.V.A. Music
Production, mixing, mastering: A.V.A. Music